Thursday, September 3, 2009

Feeling Blah

Ugh, lately I have been feeling nauseous again. I thought this was over with the first trimester and not likely to set in while I near the 30 week mark : ( My crazy mind, of course, jumps to horrific conclusions, like pregnancy induced liver problems, eclampsia, or some other God awful thing I will no doubt think of later tonight. Yes, I am a little on the OCD side, but if you knew the type of pregnancy I have had, thus far, you would understand my mental jumps to the, let me give you a little trip down early pregnancy lane!

It started with the first pregnancy test. That's right, I said first. It was the lightest positive line I have ever seen....I think I must have stared at it for over half-an-hour (yes, I was surprised to be pregnant). Obviously, if you know me, you won't be surprised to know that I took six more tests over the course of a few days. In my defense, some of these packages hold three tests, no doubt for the neurotic woman, such as myself. I had to see that little pink line get darker as I lined up those little sticks on the floor. I must have been a sight, some half-crazed lady on my hands and knees, butt not so daintily stuck in the air, with my nose two inches from these pink sticks of wonder. Yep! Pregnant, for sure!

Just as the thought of having another child was settling nicely in my mind, I started spotting. Oh, horrors!!! It turns out that my progesterone was on the lowish side, and for those that don't know, progesterone is the hormonal glue that helps the growing baby (or embryo at this point) stick. Well, my sticky was not sticky enough, and my lousy OB said in an arrogant tone, "I do not believe in progesterone therapy." What the hell do you mean you don't believe in progesterone therapy; according to my vast googling, every baby doctor in this free country believes in progesterone therapy. Needless to say, he was booted, and a sane and competent doctor was subsequently hired. My wrath was vindicated with my new OB's disgust at the "other" doctor, and I was hastily put on progesterone supplements. Yea for digestible hormone!

To be continued...and let me tell you, there is definitely more to be continued!

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